Compared to other earthlings, in the end a human being does not only leave a carcass on earth, but also many awful things. While giant reptiles, which once ruled the planet, left amazing footprints, humans leave ecological footprints, deeper than many an other human abyss. Maybe future intelligent lifeforms will be amazed but also shocked about a kataklysm, visible as a sharp cut in the deposit of sediments. But not like elsewhere meteor strikes or movements of the earth´s crust are the reason, humanity is the natural disaster. They build castles in the air, live like there is no tomorrow and bite the hand that feeds them. In the end soulless souls wander about ghost towns until the whole human technosphere turns into dust.
The artist´s current creative period is concerned with the possible expiration of humanity on earth and what may be thereafter. Especially the humans´ decadent consumerism, which systematically destroys the biosphere, bothers him as a nature lover. But finally the earth will outlast humanity and create the next geological era after anthropocene.

* Our dreams / Your Nightmares *
2019   80x140cm oil/canvas
Like water hollows the stone, a flood of tourists deluges beautiful places all over the world every day, destroying nature, culture and art. Mostly people like famous things just because they are famous, not because they really like them.
* Tourist go home! *
2018   90x150cm oil/canvas
Once feral lords of the earth, ruling savage forests, humans are now lost in the shopping center, trapped in the traffic jam, bound to computers. Offenders but also slaves. God just moved to the house next door, from the cathedral to the temple of consume.
* Europe before the rain *
2019    130x190cm oil/canvas
Humans violate other animals and destroy whole ecological systems. Some of them, because they are greedy and egoistic. The preachers.
But most of them, because they are convenient, ignorant or simply stupid and buy things they don´t need. The followers.
That seems to feel normal for most first world slaves, because god Money creates a normality beyond nature and sanity.
* Bones and teeth can be found in a variety of different ways to help you. *
2020   130x110cm oil/canvas
Humanity is doomed, because they degenerated their feelings and intuition, being supernatural intelligent in a machine-like relationship to nature, other earthlings and each other, although they are simply animals.
Maybe mother earth is lucky to get rid off human scum so fast, to have some time to regenerate and create some nice new earthlings.
* Don't give a fuck about lives, protect your property! *
2023   70x115cm oil/canvas

Unstoppably machinery humanity rushes towards its demolition. Like a furious train in a timeline with a dead end. Technical evolution explodes while morality and spirituality are carved in stone for centuries.
* Selfdestruction machine *
2019   90x150cm oil/canvas
Earth is the reason for our life. If we destroy our planet, there is nothing anymore to stand on and we fall into the void. We poison a paradise and create Dystopia. Explore space and forget to care about our basis for life. When we die, we go back into earth.
* I ❤ crises *
2019   80x120cm oil/canvas

Beside a cure for body and soul, movement is a great inspiration. Experience different places and situations creates different perspectives and forces creativity. What started with a festival in Rotterdam and a bike trip to Italy, ended up with human bones and a mysterious stonebox in the ground in the backyard of a church. Each of these paintings has a personal background, an emotional adventure at a special place on earth, our almighty mother. Unfortunately most humans in the first world are stupid egoistic motherfuckers, who don´t want to move. Fuck off and die! Goodbye.
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